Was gruftige Musik ist ebenfalls
Und alle Nicht-Grufties, die beim Lauschen zu gruftigen Klängen erwischt werden, werden zunächst mit Absynth-Redbull abgefüllt und anschließend nackt ausgezogen
*g* Ich denke, es ist klar geworden, dass Du das Getränk nicht magst. Was passiert eigentlich mit Szeneangehörigen im weitesten Sinne, die das trinken?
With the disappearance of a "mainstream" & therefore of an "avant-garde" in the arts, it has been noticed that all the more advanced & intense art-experiences have been recuperable almost instantly by the media, & thus are rendered into trash like all other trash in the ghostly world of commodities. "Trash," as the term was redefined in, let's say, Baltimore in the 1970s, can be good fun--as an ironic take on a sort of inadvertent folkultur that surrounds & pervades the more unconscious regions of "popular" sensibility--which in turn is produced in part by the Spectacle. "Trash" was once a fresh concept with radical potential. By now, however, amidst the ruins of Post-Modernism, it has finally begun to stink. Ironic frivolity finally becomes disgusting. Is it possible now to BE SERIOUS BUT NOT SOBER? Note: The New Sobriety is of course simply the flipside of the New Frivolity. Chic neo-puritanism carries the taint of Reaction, in just the same way that postmodernist philosophical irony & despair lead to Reaction. The Purge Society is the same as the Binge Society. After the "12 steps" of trendy renunciation in the '90s, all that remains is the 13th step of the gallows. Irony may have become boring, but self-mutilation was never more than an abyss. Down with frivolity - Down with sobriety.) Everything delicate & beautiful, from Surrealism to Break-dancing, ends up as fodder for McDeath's ads; 15 minutes later all the magic has been sucked out & the art itself dead as a dried locust. The media-wizards, who are nothing if not postmodernists, have even begun to feed on the vitality of "Trash," like vultures regurgitating & re-consuming the same carrion, in an obscene ecstasy of self-referentiality. Which way to the Egress?
Was mir allerdings in letzter Zeit häufiger auffällt, ist das immer mehr "Buntvolk" (ist nicht diskreminierend gemeint) in Szene typischen Läden auftaucht.