EL does need a fish!
Zitat von: Ookami am 13 März 2012, 16:18:34EL does need a fish! I prefer to keep silent after not very successful debut ...It all was the result of series of misunderstandings and of the bad translation ... I regret incredibly about it......
Zitat von: EL am 14 März 2012, 20:30:33Zitat von: Ookami am 13 März 2012, 16:18:34EL does need a fish! I prefer to keep silent after not very successful debut ...It all was the result of series of misunderstandings and of the bad translation ... I regret incredibly about it......If you are right, there is nothing to regret. Misunderstandings and language confusion just happen. They are not the fault of anyone.So, have fun with the fish, if you really got it.
...Fish is good-natured, It never argue - always silly/smart silent....[...]
Zitat von: EL am 15 März 2012, 13:06:15 ...Fish is good-natured, It never argue - always silly/smart silent....[...]I think it depends, but maybe that is just me.
Fische sind auch nicht unbedingt besonders still http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knurrh%C3%A4hne...
Ich find' Euch toll! Ich bin froh, mich hier angemeldet zu haben, denn ich habe schon in dieser kurzen Zeit tolle Leute kennengelernt. Ihr seid spannend, interessant, freundlich, offen, herzlich und noch jede Menge andere nette Sachen! So, das musste mal gesagt werden!