..., I think, if the "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" would allowed, it will be the marginal one, because the rejection of Nazism itself is deeply in people's minds. The great German nation was sufficiently humbled to realize everything that happened in the war.
Head of Regional Administration ... (Kaliningrad) .. invited members of the regional government to buy!!! all fascist symbols from the antique shops of Kaliningrad and then drown them in the Baltic Sea.!!
Ich glaube, den möchte ich wählen
Ich wünschte, ich könnte diese optimistische Ansicht teilen, aber verschiedene Landtagswahlergebnisse und selbst mitgehörte "Stimmen des Volkes" lassen mich daran zweifeln.
I just haven´t got the time today
Listening to people over the years, I wonder how thin the veneer of civilization may be in this country. An astonishing lot of good democratic citizens would not protest against a bit of torture in the police´s toolbox or a bit of death penalty or a couple of xenophobic laws (as the weekend´s news have shown, there is also a certain readiness for lynching suspects if the crime is sufficiently horrific).Makes me ...wonder.If these sentiments could be mobilized by a party, I wouldn´t want to be anywhere near.
But the symbols, which have more older story then fascism have, are eligible for free existence.