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Autor Thema: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen  (Gelesen 30300 mal)


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #90 am: 01 April 2012, 12:21:03 »

..., I think, if the "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei" would allowed, it will be the marginal one, because the rejection of Nazism itself is deeply in people's minds. The great German nation was sufficiently humbled to realize everything that happened in the war. 

Ich wünschte, ich könnte diese optimistische Ansicht teilen, aber verschiedene Landtagswahlergebnisse und selbst mitgehörte "Stimmen des Volkes" lassen mich daran zweifeln.

    Head of Regional Administration ... (Kaliningrad) .. invited members of the regional government to buy!!! all fascist symbols from the antique shops of Kaliningrad and then drown them in the Baltic Sea.!!   ;D ;D ;D

Ich glaube, den möchte ich wählen  :D
misery. complaint. self-pity. injustice.


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #91 am: 01 April 2012, 12:39:31 »

Ich glaube, den möchte ich wählen  :D
I think it would be even more inflated prices to Nazi symbolic on the market!!!
I couldn't to wait so stupid suggestions from statesman.. ;D  ;D


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #92 am: 01 April 2012, 12:44:05 »

 :o Huch, das stimmt, daran hab ich gar nicht gedacht...womöglich hätte er nur auf Wertsteigerung seiner persönlichen Sammlung spekuliert! Der Schuft!  8)

Aber so als symbolische Handlung hätte mir das schon gefallen.
misery. complaint. self-pity. injustice.


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #93 am: 01 April 2012, 13:10:09 »

It remains only travel to Kaliningrad as soon as possible for buying it before they not drown it!  ;D
But in general in Russia, selling them is prohibited.
But it's observed as an administrative offense and therefore - a penalty...


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #94 am: 01 April 2012, 13:23:43 »

Ich wünschte, ich könnte diese optimistische Ansicht teilen, aber verschiedene Landtagswahlergebnisse und selbst mitgehörte "Stimmen des Volkes" lassen mich daran zweifeln.

Do you think the neo-fascism is so strong in Germany and is a real strength? Enlighten me, please ...  :-\  :o

Link to the results of elections, maybe... ?
« Letzte Änderung: 01 April 2012, 13:37:17 von EL »


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #95 am: 01 April 2012, 13:45:15 »

Nun...(oh mein Gott) please try to enlighten yourself by googling for "NPD", I just haven´t got the time or the brains today to go into that matter deeply enough to do it any justice.

I do not think it is actually the strength of "proper" neo-fascism, though; it´s more a mentality mixture of...disillusion, lack of orientation, distrust in the future and in politicians, harking back to good old times and strong men and clear rules etc that sits uncomfortably on many Germans (many of whom then go to vote for ultra-right parties, if they vote at all).
If you ever read "It Can´t happen here" by Sinclair Lewis - I do not at all think it impossible that "it" could happen here, again, through a democratic back door.
Luckily, "it" hasn´t had a real chance and it is not a big enough "movement" (yet, I´m tempted to add).

nightnurse hat gerade Misanthropie-Wochen
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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #96 am: 01 April 2012, 13:55:09 »

I just haven´t got the time today

Time is money!   ;)  :)


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #97 am: 02 April 2012, 10:25:54 »

I wasn't too lazy and looked through the last election statistics, its the results for NPD:

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern                               6   %
Saxony-Anhalt state election, 2011               4.6 %
Berlin                                                              2.1  %
Hamburg state election,                              < 3,4 %
North Rhine-Westphalia                              < 3,6 %
Baden-Württemberg                                   < 2.4 %
Bremen                                                          1.6  %
Rhineland-Palatinate                                     1.1 %
There are a minor percentage of the vote in other lands...

Here isn't reason for fear! ...for anxiety?..  maybe...


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #98 am: 03 April 2012, 13:02:54 »

It´s a bit hard to is not the NPD I´m wary of (wherever they get into a Parliament, they quickly proceed to show that they have close to zero brains. The NPD is exeedingly popular with German satirists - for a reason).
They are a rather insignificant, but they are a symptom.
Listening to people over the years, I wonder how thin the veneer of civilization may be in this country. An astonishing lot of good democratic citizens would not protest against a bit of torture in the police´s toolbox or a bit of death penalty or a couple of xenophobic laws (as the weekend´s news have shown, there is also a certain readiness for lynching suspects if the crime is sufficiently horrific).

Makes me ...wonder.
If these sentiments could be mobilized by a party, I wouldn´t want to be anywhere near.
misery. complaint. self-pity. injustice.


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #99 am: 03 April 2012, 17:00:15 »

Listening to people over the years, I wonder how thin the veneer of civilization may be in this country. An astonishing lot of good democratic citizens would not protest against a bit of torture in the police´s toolbox or a bit of death penalty or a couple of xenophobic laws (as the weekend´s news have shown, there is also a certain readiness for lynching suspects if the crime is sufficiently horrific).

Makes me ...wonder.
If these sentiments could be mobilized by a party, I wouldn´t want to be anywhere near.

I may be wrong here, but I think these tendencies are noticeable in quite a few countries, as globalisation, the internet and the fall of the clear ideological borders (between communism and capitalism for example) have caused a general feeling of uneasyness for many people. I think what you have written is nothing really specific to Germany, more expression and result of this global sea change...

Our German good old times and strong men with clear rules were more than once the beginning of a national murder-suicide of pan-european proportions, people just cannot be so stupid that they forget about what happened in the last 100 years.

And if I am wrong here, I will be the first on the plane to somewhere nice when it happens again, and will take everyone I care about with me.


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #100 am: 03 April 2012, 20:45:18 »

Ne, spezifisch deutsch ist das bestimmt nicht, das wird jeden Tag irgendwo auf der Welt bewiesen...aber bei uns hat es schon mehr als einmal super funktioniert, so daß "Das ist bei uns nicht möglich" einfach keine Hoffnung ist.
Und was Menschen so binnen 100 Jahren alles vergessen können, ist schon erstaunlich.
Ich sitz dann im Flugzeug in der Reihe hinter Dir.
misery. complaint. self-pity. injustice.


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #101 am: 04 April 2012, 15:36:37 »

I see the Germans are afraid of themselves!   
It's a discovery for me. !
Too much had been lost - the collapse of a great power, 30% of the territory plus years of humiliation later...  I can understand!
I hope nobody personally hurt..

Nevertheless symbols should not be subject to persecution.
It's possible prosecution for propaganda Nazi's ideas and call for the assassination  of national or ethnic grounds. It's possible not allow the registration the political parties in general, if there is Nazi basis in their program (it's praxe from Czech Republic :) ).
But the symbols, which have more older story then fascism have, are eligible for free existence.


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Re: Mehrdeutige Symbolik führt zu Mißverständnissen
« Antwort #102 am: 04 April 2012, 16:17:04 »

But the symbols, which have more older story then fascism have, are eligible for free existence.

We´ve been over that somewhere in the first pages of the thread: Facist symbols may be ancient of origin, but their original use lacks continuity; most of them have been unearthed in a 19th-Century-quest for "German" identity and in circumstances that were proto-Nazi in many ways. Check out the lengthy posts of Kenaz and Raoul, it´s in there somewhere *.*

(no asy solutions, please - we´re German  ;D )
misery. complaint. self-pity. injustice.