Ich find die Blassen Gestallten irgendwie cool, man muss schon Selbstvertrauen haben, um so zu leben^^
Ich hatte eigentlich nur so gefragt, da ich selber den Film sehr gut Finde... Abgesehen von dem Gemetzel das dort mehr oder weniger stattfindet, vielmehr die Figur die der Darsteller zeigen soll...Ich find die Blassen Gestallten irgendwie cool, man muss schon Selbstvertrauen haben, um so zu leben^^
"Nazi Goths is another worrying tribe and make up about 9% and growing of the Gothic Culture. Goths obsessed with Hitler and the Third Reich. These are mainly found in the Black metal goth scene. Then you have the Columbine Killers, Goths obsessed with hitler and guns. They shouted 'seig heil' and made Nazi salutes as they shot the black kids first. There are a great number of Goths in Germany, the country with the largest amount of Gothic tribes, who are obsessed with their Nazi heritage. Listening to Nazi music like Black Metal and Neo-folk, and dressing in Nazi uniforms. They paint their faces white as a sign of their white supremist ideologies, and as a sign of their hate for blacks."
Zitat von: "colourize""Nazi Goths is another worrying tribe and make up about 9% and growing of the Gothic Culture. Goths obsessed with Hitler and the Third Reich. These are mainly found in the Black metal goth scene. Then you have the Columbine Killers, Goths obsessed with hitler and guns. They shouted 'seig heil' and made Nazi salutes as they shot the black kids first. There are a great number of Goths in Germany, the country with the largest amount of Gothic tribes, who are obsessed with their Nazi heritage. Listening to Nazi music like Black Metal and Neo-folk, and dressing in Nazi uniforms. They paint their faces white as a sign of their white supremist ideologies, and as a sign of their hate for blacks."Scheisse, woher wissen die Seitenbetreiber das alles ? Das ist doch alles nur dem inneren Kreis bekannt.Raus mit der Sprache, wer von euch hat da gesungen ? :motz:
Hör nicht auf Killerqueen. Wer lächelndes Essen als Avatar hat, ist gar kein richtiger Gruftie.