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Tränen am Ground Zero-haben es diese verf***en Amis verdient

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I really wish I could read German. All I know is, this topic Is about The World Trade Center.

How did you guys feel when the planes slammed into the world trade center?

You can be honest.

I can tell you that I was shocked the first few hours. I saw the Towers break down, I saw the people jump out of the windows from high above, I saw others cry. But I'm honest, after a few hours I only thought "How glad I am that this didn't happen to me". Bit it was an impression I never will forget.

I actually didn't hear about It till 1:30pm in the afternoon, I heard about It when I arrived at work. I was shocked! I thought that was the end of America.I thought we were going to get nuked next. I was sad for the families who lost their loved ones. But, I'm glad I don't live In NY. I know how you all feel, It's hard to give a shite when It's not happening In your own back yard.

Everyone hates the U.S. But, they should really hate our president, most of the people here hate the fact we went to war.

What's your opinion?

I don't think anyone hates the U.S. in general. We all know that not you made this silly war, that this was the work of Mr. Bush. But it's not easy making a difference between the U.S. (the people) and the U.S. (your president), I think you can compare it to german history. We didn't fight in the WWII, it was before we were born. But many ppl talk about us as if we were the Nazis, doing cruel things.
I hope that was not too heavy, but I think it's the same in some way...


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