Are you following what is happen in Ukraine? What do you think about a conflict Russia made in the Crimea region? Situation develops very fast! A Third world war is coming.
But i dont think, that whether russia nor the european union nor the usa are prepared for a large scale war. It is just too expensive
Nun ja, nicht umsonst bezeichnen einige liberal denkende Russen Putin als "Putler", der Typ ist ein grossenwahnsinniger Soziophat.Wenn ich mal russische Seiten in Internet lese (abgesehen von kritischen Blogs natürlich), dann kann ich echt kotzen, diese ganze nationalistische Phetorik erinnert mich irgendwie an die alte Nazi-Zeitungen, die ich in Rubrik "Zeitungszeugen" gelesen habe.Bin ich froh, dass meine Familie und ich nicht mehr in Russland leben.Habe auch Angst, dass dei Situation in die Ukraine explodiert, in Unterschied zu Milošević oder Saddam hat Putin Atombomben.
Are you following what is happen in Ukraine? What do you think about a conflict Russia made in the Crimea region? Situation develops very fast! A Third world war is coming.
[...]The pattern, of course, is unmistakable. It begins with sanctimonious finger-wagging, economic sanctions and incendiary rhetoric, and quickly escalates into stealth bombings, drone attacks, massive destruction of civilian infrastructure, millions of fleeing refugees, decimated towns and cities, death squads, wholesale human carnage, vast environmental devastation, and the steady slide into failed state anarchy; all of which is accompanied by the stale repetition of state propaganda spewed from every corporate bullhorn in the western media.[...]The trouble with Washington’s Ukraine policy, is that it leaves Putin with few options. If he deploys troops to defend ethnic Russian’s in the East, then Obama will demand additional economic sanctions, a “no fly” zone, NATO deployment, and the cutting off of natural gas and oil supplies to Europe. On the other hand, if Putin does nothing, then the attacks against Russian-speaking people in Ukraine (like Sunday’s shootout at an Eastern checkpoint that left three people dead.) will intensify and the US will provide covert military and logistical support to neo-Nazi extremists in the Interior Ministry, just as they have with jihadi terrorists in Syria and Libya. That will hurtle Ukraine into a devastating civil war that will damage Russia’s economy and undermine its national security. Anyway you look at it, Russia loses.Journalist David Paul summed up the situation in an article titled “Forget the Spin, Putin Is Holding a Losing Hand” at Huffington Post. He said: “Brzezinski’s strategic formulation is designed to enhance American power in the region in the long term, and whether Putin finds a way to pull back or chooses to invade is immaterial. Either choice Putin makes… will ultimately serve America’s interests, even if a Ukrainian civil war and an energy crisis in Europe have to be part of the price along the way.” (Huffington Post)This is Putin’s dilemma, to choose the path that is least likely to exacerbate the situation and plunge Ukraine deeper into the abyss. For now, the choice seems obvious, that is, he should simply sit-tight, resist the temptation to get involved, and avoid doing anything rash. Eventually, his restraint will be seen as strength not weakness and he’ll be able to play a more constructive role in guiding Ukraine back to peace and security. But, for now, he must be patient and wait.
Zitat von: EL am 03 März 2014, 19:57:33 A Third world war is coming. I fear the same, dear I think, the old story of communism and capitalism, of east and west (war & cold war), doesn't ended like we thought while the last 25 years, but lived in the head of the mighty people and their sons or mental sons. It's the old desire for leadership of the world, seems to be innate in man. Because I growed up in the former GDR, I can reproduce the minds of both sides and their rationales.
A Third world war is coming.
There are always two sides of the same coin.
Von Putin kann man halten was man will - aber an seiner Politik in der Krim-Frage kann ich überhaupt nichts Unlauteres erkennen.
Zitat von: Black Russian am 03 März 2014, 21:34:57Nun ja, nicht umsonst bezeichnen einige liberal denkende Russen Putin als "Putler", der Typ ist ein grossenwahnsinniger Soziophat....Habe auch Angst, dass dei Situation in die Ukraine explodiert, in Unterschied zu Milošević oder Saddam hat Putin Atombomben. ..Letzendlich war die Krim - Halbinsel so oder so ein Geschenk der Sowjetunion an die Ukraine, auf der Halbinsel leben hauptsächlich Russen, oder Menschen, die sich mit Russland verbunden fühlen und der einzige Grund, warum diese sich nicht an Russland angeschlossen haben ist, dass die Ukraine entsprechende Stützpunkte auf der Halbinsel hat...
Nun ja, nicht umsonst bezeichnen einige liberal denkende Russen Putin als "Putler", der Typ ist ein grossenwahnsinniger Soziophat....Habe auch Angst, dass dei Situation in die Ukraine explodiert, in Unterschied zu Milošević oder Saddam hat Putin Atombomben.!137733;m/lesen!