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Wer fühlen Sie sich?

Ich fühle mich als Deutscher.
- 2 (20%)
Ich fühle mich mehr als Deutscher als als Europäer.
- 1 (10%)
Ich fühle mich als Deutscher und ebenso als Europäer.
- 5 (50%)
Ich fühle mich mehr als Europäer als als Deutscher.
- 1 (10%)
Ich fühle mich als Europäer.
- 1 (10%)

Stimmen insgesamt: 7

Autor Thema: Ich fühle mich als Europäer.  (Gelesen 32480 mal)


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Re: Ich fühle mich als Europäer.
« Antwort #90 am: 20 April 2012, 10:59:27 »

Ich gestehe: habe nun nicht mehr alles gelesen - is mir mit meinem schlechten Englisch einfach doch oft zu mühsam/zeitaufwendig.  :-[

Aber dem kann ich glaube ich doch zustimmen ;)
In my opinion, the education, socialization and cultural influence are playing bigger role on formation of thinking than area of residence.
 Throughout Europe there are the unification of educational programs. Education in German is in general on the same level as the education in France or Holland, different university only added each other.
   I didn't search special information on the number of believers and confessional affiliation, but we known, the situation is more or less similar in the whole of Europe and Christianity is the predominant religion there.
    I told already about influence general European values on way of the thinking in Europe. I think, it's reasonably for all nations in Europe.

I think, concept "Mentality" is a diffuse phenomen and poured into the culture and everyday consciousness everybody, It is ways of worldviews of people belonging to a particular socio-cultural community, non dependent of nation. It is still in moving and in constant development, as is in moving our own brain, our consciousness.
Evaluate the way of thinking of society - it's as to measure the average temperature in the hospital!..  ;)

Maybe it can to used for a very approximate orientation on a global scale, defining a roughly what we can expect from someone when visiting others continents ( Kenaz was written about that ...),


bloß hab ich den Rest des letzten Satzes nicht verstanden:

but it would have to use for that the another concepts, which indicate the characteristics of thinking, where they are clearly visible on several grounds - for example: Europeans, Asians, Muslims, Goths, punks etc.

also dessen Aussage. ?

Und auch bei der Schlussfolgerung bzw. dem Fazit kann ich nicht ganz folgen:

Because of that all, I think the using of the phrase "mentality of nation" unethical!!!
It's imposition of the next cliche only!
Only a human himself has the right to put on one or another "garment" and say:  I am German, I am Czech, I am Europeans.

Also warum genau (aus welchen Gründen) das nun "unethisch" ist, von Mentalität einer Nation zu sprechen. Das hab ich nich verstanden.     ?



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Re: Ich fühle mich als Europäer.
« Antwort #91 am: 20 April 2012, 20:42:08 »

I would want to know your comment to my message at whole.  ;) :D
Was zahlst Du ?


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Re: Ich fühle mich als Europäer.
« Antwort #92 am: 20 April 2012, 22:45:46 »

I would want to know your comment to my message at whole.  ;) :D
Was zahlst Du ?
Business approach... :D  cash?  an account? or payment with the nature?   ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 20 April 2012, 23:39:47 von EL »


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Re: Ich fühle mich als Europäer.
« Antwort #93 am: 21 April 2012, 12:23:36 »


Why does the concept of "national mentality" unethical in the using to european nations.

1) the common information space  (radio, internet, TV- the using the same information agency)
2) the same degree of penetration the world's cultural products - (kino, music, film and music festivals, the art - exibitions, days of world nation's culture etc.)   
3) the interpenetration european cultures, erosion of national cultural characteristics, caused by extensive migration of people within the EU  (visa-free policy)
4) the dominant Christian religion in Europe
5) the recognition and acceptance of common philosophical thinkers, their inclusion in the humanities educational programs of European universities.
6) the unification education, the using of the world's scientific achievements and knowledge.
7) The adoption of and adherence to the convention of "human rights".
This all cause to the common way of thinking independently of the language in which these ideas are expressed.
You can refer to the national character traits towards to underlining the temperament, but it will unfairly and no polite way!
For example (sorry, it's theoretically only), If we'll say the Gypsies are thieves, it will not true! In the Czech Republic theft is thriving! I think in Germany there are thefts enough too and the Germans, going away on vacation, will not leave the house open more as it was done your grandmothers and great-grandmothers ( sorry, it's complaints from my German ex familiar).
On the contrary, If we'll  begin to assert and to allocate that one or the other nation has such qualities such as punctuality, honesty, love of order, etc. This means that the neighboring nation does not possess them, and it sounds insulting already...

Given all the above, the habitual crushing of a common European mentality on narrow national I consider as unethical and wrong.
I still don't see any special qualities of Germans, which would dramatically affect to the nation's way of thinking.
Give me, please, at least one argument, which make me agree to say: "Yes, it belong to the German mentality only!"

    :)  :)  :)