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Autor Thema: US politicians suck, what are Germany's like?  (Gelesen 1844 mal)


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US politicians suck, what are Germany's like?
« am: 22 Oktober 2004, 20:19:30 »

Our presidential race is like the special olympics for greedy assholes.  On one side we have a rich, Ivy League guy in the pockets of major corporations, and on the other we have ... a rich, Ivy League guy in the pockets of major corporations.  It can't be this bad everywhere.  I mean, we're better off than the middle east since our president doesn't put up statues and 30-story portraits of himself, but jesus, we put a man on the moon here, I'd like to think we could do better.

It's the media's fault too I think.  The major channels and newpapers all sit around bickering about who was or wasn't a good soldier 30 years ago, or who should have done what about Iraq.  The problem is the media is arguing about exactly what the campaign managers *want* them to argue about.  No one touches the stuff that both these jokers are trying to play down, like the environment (we had a perfect opportunity after September 11th to invest heavily in wind/solar power, we didn't), of how neither candidate's budget proposals will actually work.  The media pounces on every little thing each guy says, not even in an intelligent way, and now neither will say anything meaningful.  Fucking joke.


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US politicians suck, what are Germany's like?
« Antwort #1 am: 24 Oktober 2004, 00:38:58 »
