Schwarzes Hamburg > Schwarze Szene -Archiv-

Gothic Scene in the USA

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| We're one of the last world wide refugee areas for
| Heavy Metal :) Metal is quite more common here than
| in other european contries.

Really? Where? I'm sorry but I think the Metal-scene here (especially Hamburg, cause I'm living here since a few month ago; and except Wacken) is a bit... let's say »poor«. Well, I just can compare Hamburg to Austria/Vienna, but (Power- / Death- / Black- / ...)Metal is much more flourishing there.



--- Zitat von: "phaylon" ---@Drachenkind
| We're one of the last world wide refugee areas for
| Heavy Metal :) Metal is quite more common here than
| in other european contries.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Well in europe ^^ also in japan metal is quite popular and many bands tour especially there because the people there are mad for metal and other guitar stuff

Sounds a bit like vienna. May the austrian Metal-scene is that large, because it isn't at all. Many Bands, many Parties, some Bars (I count 3 to 5 but only one matters *eg*). But at all it's a big family in that little country in the south.

It's clear that (most of the) bands also like this way it goes, 'cause they can get more in touch with their fans.

Btw: You saw that it was Drachenkind sayin' this, and I just quoted it?


Der Uhu:
My two cents:

--- Zitat ---This behavior now has its climax in the last elections in Sachsen and Brandenburg. The stupids have elected two Nazi-Partys. One of it would have been forbidden last year if things would have done more consequently
--- Ende Zitat ---

- If Rick Deckard writes that there were Nazi Parties elected in Saxonia and Brandenburg it sounds like they were now in Power and that the future Ministerpresident would be one of them. I know, you didn't mean that but it sounds a little bit like that. Fact is that many people chose this way of protesting against the government and they elected these parties. So they got some more votes than expected but they are still under 10 percent. In West Germany they are lucky if they get 1 percent. In east Germany they sometimes manage to reach the 5%-obstacle and so they come into the regional Parliaments. And if these parties are really Nazi-parties or just far right parties is another question. In Texas or Alabama they would be probably nothing else than normal Republicans. But they are something to worry about. That's for sure!

--- Zitat ---It's not crowded here, but you won't find a big piece of wilderness here.
--- Ende Zitat ---

- Well, if your definition of "Big" is Yellowstone Nationalpark or Serengeti National Park, than you are probably right. But still 30% of Germany is Forest, in Bavaria even 49%. And there are a lot of relatively large regions where Nature is quite intact. And you would be surprised what you can see even in the city of Hamburg. Go to the Duvenstedter Brook in the North of Hamburg. That is a big moor where you can watch sea eagles, a heron colony, cranes, boars and red deer! And that so close to the city! Even beavers are returning to many rivers in North Germany. And in Mecklenburg they even have some wolves again who immigrated from Poland.

Der Uhu

Der Uhu:
@ Rick Deckard: I don't think that anybody expects from you to say that life in Germany sucks and I also don't think that so many people have that opinion.

But aren't we now a bit Off-topic?


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