Schwarzes Hamburg > Politik & Gesellschaft -Archiv-
Tränen am Ground Zero-haben es diese verf***en Amis verdient
Der Uhu:
@ Schneeball: I was looking for the website of the republicans but I can't find it! I only found the website of the Bush-Cheney campaign (which is really horrible). Can you give me a link?
Don't you find it embarassing that you have a Vice president who is called "Dick"? Isn't "dick" in english an expression for the "primary male sex organ"? How could his parents do that? Unfortunately his last name is not "Head".
--- Zitat ---Is there no movement to reform your outdated election system?
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--- Zitat ---Is there actually a movement to change the election system in the US ?
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To answer both your questions........No. There is no such reform movement currently in existence. Over the last several years, both parties have been focusing solely on campaign finance reform (what a joke that turned out to be). In fact, most Americans don't even know how their electoral process works. Believe it or not, most people in the U.S. aren't interested in politics and so they don't want to take the time to understand how THEIR blessed democracy actually functions. For example, I'd say, on average, less than 20% of the people living in this country know the difference between the senate and the U.S. house of representatives. On the Jay Leno Show, they have a skit where he goes around asking people, young and old, political and historical questions, such as, "who's the current U.S. vice president". Only about two out of ten people usually answer his questions correctly. Its pretty funny, actually.
--- Zitat ---and what are the reasons why this complicated system was established?
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Good question. Their are two main reasons why our founding fathers constructed such an elaborately complicated and deceiving voting system. I'll give you the fly-by-night course:
1. Slavery: With out getting too detailed, the framers of the constitution wanted to create a voting system that would keep slavery legal. They did this in order to pacify the southern slave states, who feared being out voted by more populated northern states that weren't as dependent on a slave economy (remember, even after the Revolutionary War, slavery was still legal in all but three northern states).
2. The framers of the constitution were all rich English (there were a few Welsh and Scotish framers too) protestant land owners. They didn't fully trust the middle class, they felt nothing short of disdain for the poor, and they certainly didn't want to allocate power to non Anglo-Saxon immigrants (Germans, Austrians, Swiss, Norwegians, Swedes...etc..). So they intentionally designed a political system that would keep power in the hands of a wealthy white, Northern European, male, protestant, elite class. Their system obviously worked well. In the last 225 or so years, every single U.S. president and vice president ever elected has been a wealthy, Anglo-Saxon/Northern European male, protestant, with the exception of John F. Kennedy, who was an Irish Catholic. If John Kerry is elected, he will be the first non-Caucasion, ethnic president the U.S. has ever had (He's half Jewish on his father's side). So much for the idea of a multi-ethnic fair and just democratic society huh?
--- Zitat ---I have often the impression that the US-constitution and some institutions are treated like an pseudo-relegion in America. The constitution fathers have writen it, so it must be the ultimate truth and is nearly divine. A bit like the bible.
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You are correct.
--- Zitat ---I was looking for the website of the republicans but I can't find it! I only found the website of the Bush-Cheney campaign (which is really horrible). Can you give me a link?
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There's more than one.
Here's the official website for the GOP's training organization for Republican candidates:
Here's the official website for the Republican National Committee:
Each state has it's own official party headquarters. Here's the official Republican Party website for California:
By the way, GOP stands for "Grand Ole' Party". Right out of a John Wayne Cowboy got to love it!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
--- Zitat ---I really wonder how you managed to get a man on the moon by using that system!
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How did we manage to do it you say? We used German scientists and engineers who immigrated to this country after WWII......thanks guys!
We can attribute our retarded system of weights and measurements to our English cousins who have since abandoned the system, the very one they invented.
--- Zitat ---How is that in America. Are the parties really only privately financed. I am asking because I notice that only super rich people become president in the USA. In Germany none of our Chancellors was very rich. So there must be a difference. What is it?
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Each party is financed by private contributions from individuals as well as the following:
1. Private corporations
2. Private Non-Profit Organizations
3. Associations
4. Political Activist Groups
5. Other special interest groups
Government funding of parties and candidates is considered a sacriledge here in the states. Any money that candidates don't spend on their campaign, they get to joke!
As to the question of why all our presidents were so independently wealthy? Campaigns take time and money. If you work, you aren't going to have much time to campaign. If you're poor, you aren't going to have the money to pay for the campaign nor will you have a rich network of friends who will be willing to financially support your campaign. No one does something for nothing in this country. If you want to get elected, you have to pay for it, either by check, by favor, or both.
--- Zitat ---Don't you find it embarassing that you have a Vice president who is called "Dick"? Isn't "dick" in english an expression for the "primary male sex organ"? How could his parents do that? Unfortunately his last name is not "Head".
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LOL. I am assuming you know that Dick is short for Richard. right?. Richard Nixon was often called, "Tricky Dick".Gaylord is another common American name.....imagine having people calling you Gaylord at school. "Hey, you....Gaylord!". Hancock is another funny common American name. Hand....Cock!
Or how about George Bush......Bush as in, "close your legs lady, cuz I can almost see your fat hairy Bush!".
Wow....that was long.....hope I answered all your questions.
Your replies are really informativ .
Also I have read much about the US system, they have spared a few details you mentioned.
Thx a lot.
And to give you a link too :)
Maybe you will have a laugh.
Funny stuff. I was reading the first one and finally realized that it was a joke half way through.
It's well made, looking quite like the original.
Take a look into the poster section, it's my favorite.
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