ich habe gerade eine e-mail erhalten, die für den einen oder anderen durchaus interessant sein könnte. es geht um eine webseite, auf der man sowohl nach partys suchen als auch selber welche eingtragen kann. und: wer kein englisch kann, hat eh verloren. here goes:
If you are interested in submitting your club/event to a list of underground clubs, please read:
DeadScene.org is currently compiling a list of clubs and events in order to provide a free service to the underground gothic, industrial, 80's and other 'darker' and more obscure music genres.
The DeadScene Mission is to maintain the most up-to-date, informative, accurate, and user-friendly interface for your one-stop source to answer questions such as:
"What club are we going to tonight?",
"Is that club any good?", and
"I'm traveling to California, can anybody recommend a club on Thursday night?"
This information is useless, however, unless it can be easily navigated, and more importantly, it must be up-to-date. The clubs listings will be properly maintained and those who submit the information will be asked (and reminded via email) to refresh their listings to ensure accuracy.
You will also be able to attach announcements to each listing, which will be automatically turned into an XML RSS news feed. Users will be able to subscribe to the newsfeed via any of the popular online providers, such as Yahoo, AOL, or any computer with an RSS newsreader installed. For users who have Smart Phones or internet capable mobile devices, they will be able to get updates instantaneously on there mobile device
For anyone who decides to register as a frequent user (once again, it's free and non-invasive), you can opt to receive updates via email, rate clubs, and post your own comments and reviews so other people will know what everyone thinks about the club. These posts will also be included in the RSS news feeds automatically.
However, without any real content on the site, it's completely useless. We ask anyone who is interested to visit DeadScene.org and please submit their club listings, events, and parties.
Please help us to provide this service to the community!
Have fun, explore, and give us some feedback.
Thank You.
-- DeadScene.Org
FYI: We are currently in the ALPHA TESTING PHASE, so some things will not work and act strangely, but, I would like to have input from people who will use the site, so it benefits everyone.
(klicklink provided by olli:
www.DeadScene.org )