Klar. Tun wir. Aber da das Amphi, wie in den letzten Jahren auch, wieder ausverkauft sein wird, denke ich einfach mal: Die Verantwortlichen wird es nicht die Bohne interessieren das dir / euch die Werbetexte zu doof sind.Mir sind sie im übrigen auch zu doof und ich hätte sie gern anders. Doch habe ich gerade wichtigeres zu tun, als den Herrn Ko... Lotze anzuschreiben.
dass restaurants sich weigern, etwas veganes zuzubereiten. auf sternekoch machen, aber das bekommen se nich hin, oder was?!sehr schwach und enttäuschend manchmal.zum glück gibt es auch überraschende gegenbeispiele!
The 65-70 years old bus driver on the way from Munich didn't open ventilation (25 C inside), he didn't turn bus by the navigation. At finish the bus was broken! It's the worst night traveling!Is there no age limit for bus drivers? In the end, it's dangerous for the passengers!
Is there no age limit for bus drivers? In the end, it's dangerous for the passengers!
Zitat von: EL am 31 Januar 2013, 06:49:38The 65-70 years old bus driver on the way from Munich didn't open ventilation (25 C inside), he didn't turn bus by the navigation. At finish the bus was broken! It's the worst night traveling!Is there no age limit for bus drivers? In the end, it's dangerous for the passengers! Oh wow. Travelling by bus seems slow and dangerous to me, I avoid whenever I can. But there aren't soo many options when travelling with an orchestra, are there?Anyway, good to see you are unharmed. *grml @ bus driver*
Zitat von: EL am 31 Januar 2013, 06:49:38Is there no age limit for bus drivers? In the end, it's dangerous for the passengers! Younger people don't necessarily drive better.^^
Aber vielleicht sind sie nicht ganz so wärmebedürftig und frischluftallergisch, wie man es den älteren Herrschaften gerne unterstellt
You can to tell it's an age discrimination, I want too much from poor driver, but this time was really idiot at the wheel. Who in their right mind would brag that he has already 24 hours without sleeping on the way from Belgium? Why the driver is so irresponsible? He swallows pills with a psychoactive substances instead a sleeping.
Zitat von: EL am 31 Januar 2013, 22:06:03You can to tell it's an age discrimination, I want too much from poor driver, but this time was really idiot at the wheel. Who in their right mind would brag that he has already 24 hours without sleeping on the way from Belgium? Why the driver is so irresponsible? He swallows pills with a psychoactive substances instead a sleeping. That is not only completely idiotic, it is also clearly illegal. Perhaps you and your colleagues should tell the police about this, not that the state orchestra of Poland or so is in the bus when the drivers adds a little LSD to his pills make the trip more colourful...
Wow, sick.I don´t know what else to say
Daß es nur 2 Sorten von Avocados in den Geschäften gibt: 1. die, die man nächste Woche irgendwann essen kann2. die, die man vorgestern hätte essen müssen.Spontan mal Guacamole machen? Njet.