jabberwacky: My life is mediocre right now.user: That's a shame, how can we spice it up?jabberwacky: Bomb Belgrade and nuke Sarajevo.user: Ok, it does have an immediate gratification but you can only do it once! Then what?jabberwacky: Well do it then!user: No. I think not, my thermo nuclear fixated chum, there must be a better way to get you out of the doldrums than killing a few million people.jabberwacky: Why not?user: You want to kill millions because your life is mediocre? You're the crazy one my friend!jabberwacky: You are not going to win that contest, my friend.user: Does an exciting life mean so much to you then?jabberwacky: Bush.user: Is this relevant?jabberwacky: Not very.user: Good, you had me worried for a second.jabberwacky: Why?user: Because nuking two major cities is not good....
für alle packstation-nutzer: wer jemals eine falsche plz zur packstation angibt, wird seine sendung nicht bekommen. diese MUSS zurück zum absender.
was es nicht alles über hyänen zu wissen gibt!
in der eingangshalle des boberger krankenhauses ist ein bild vom alten kir ausgestellt, wenn auch schon eingezäunt (das kir)