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Autor Thema: Problem!  (Gelesen 54240 mal)


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #135 am: 21 Juni 2012, 23:29:24 »

Und wie hast Du, bitte, diese Präferenz festgestellt? *.*

I like serious topics here in the forum, but I think everybody can to begin your topic, even the idiot Troll.  :)


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #136 am: 21 Juni 2012, 23:31:49 »


OUOUOUOUHH Messias^^ - eaaahhhh - jez konnt ich´s nich mehr halten  :-\

machst du´s mir gleich nochmal so geil wie eben?  :) :) :)


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #137 am: 21 Juni 2012, 23:33:30 »

I think everybody can to begin your topic, even the idiot Troll.  :)

Oh, but of course. And obviously  ;D

I was just wondering about the basis for this assumption:

the most of visitors are prefering to read for example how long ledy DB was sleeping today!

Are they? What makes you think so?
misery. complaint. self-pity. injustice.


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #138 am: 21 Juni 2012, 23:36:47 »

Nichts ist kostenlos im Leben - außer der Tod, und nicht mal der, denn der kostet dich das Leben.


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #139 am: 21 Juni 2012, 23:39:26 »

Are they? What makes you think so?

Ar ju a liddl bit meking fanny dschokes other wat du ju sink äbaut so on it? Ä liddl bit sou otha ä bittl lit differended?

wuud ju ekspleiin däd bidde ä liddl tu mie? Ei tank for ju denn ooch ä liddl bit mit.


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #140 am: 21 Juni 2012, 23:41:05 »


nee, das war jez zu absehbar. Jez muss ich erst wieder hoch kommen auf´s Plateau - also: du von vorne anfangen --- boaaa Messias, so ein Kack jez, echt! Gib dir doch EIN MAL wenichtenz ä liddl bit Mühe! ?!


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #141 am: 21 Juni 2012, 23:56:19 »

I think everybody can to begin your topic, even the idiot Troll.  :)

Oh, but of course. And obviously  ;D

I can't to understand, what the reason of confrontation to Kallisti,   :-[  :-\  if she was responded to the challenge with the hope of an unordinary and interesting topic!
Yes the text from Alex was ugly from view of the side social morality and literary style.

But he has a right to exist and would can to crystallize into something worthy of attention.  ::)

I was just wondering about the basis for this assumption:

the most of visitors are prefering to read for example how long ledy DB was sleeping today!

Are they? What makes you think so?

It was the ironic example only.... 
I have nothing to DunkelBunt personally, sorry.     :-[ :)



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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #142 am: 22 Juni 2012, 00:03:36 »


nee, das war jez zu absehbar. Jez muss ich erst wieder hoch kommen auf´s Plateau - also: du von vorne anfangen --- boaaa Messias, so ein Kack jez, echt! Gib dir doch EIN MAL wenichtenz ä liddl bit Mühe! ?!

Logik dahinter nicht erkannt? Na, wen wundert's.

Zum Mitschreiben für dich: Das ist ein Punkt. Er schließt etwas ab, einen Satz für gewöhnlich.
In diesem Fall etwas anderes, nämlich die Konversation mit dir hier. Führe ruhig weiter deine Selbstgespräche, wenn sie dich vom Wahnsinn abhalten. (Ob sie helfen - nun - weiter oben wurden Zweifel angemeldet seitens eines Users, die ich besser mal nicht dementiere)

Und, damit du es dieses Mal begreifst - dies wird meine letzte Antwort auf einen deiner Beiträge sein, darum ende ich mit einem herzhaften und ernst gemeinten ...


Nichts ist kostenlos im Leben - außer der Tod, und nicht mal der, denn der kostet dich das Leben.


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #143 am: 22 Juni 2012, 00:06:50 »

I was not asking because of any specific person you mentioned, just about the assumption that most members care more about other topics than this one (which may actually be the case, but how do you prove that scientifically?  :D ).

As to a troll´s right to existence, now, that might be an interesting topic.
Does anyone have the right to disrupt an existing forum´s *cough* peace and *choke* harmony?
Is it basically ok to make yourself a pain in other peoples´ behinds?
Should forum users receive a troll politely on the slim chance that it will change its ways and become an accepted member of the online community?

So many questions, so little time  :)
misery. complaint. self-pity. injustice.


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #144 am: 22 Juni 2012, 00:10:24 »

... o mein Herr und Meistergebieter im All, ums All und um das All herum - du hast echt den C.e.P., Messias. Jo, da hilft nur noch Rosenkranzbeten.


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #145 am: 22 Juni 2012, 00:13:29 »

I was not asking because of any specific person you mentioned, just about the assumption that most members care more about other topics than this one (which may actually be the case, but how do you prove that scientifically?  :D ).

As to a troll´s right to existence, now, that might be an interesting topic.
Does anyone have the right to disrupt an existing forum´s *cough* peace and *choke* harmony?
Is it basically ok to make yourself a pain in other peoples´ behinds?
Should forum users receive a troll politely on the slim chance that it will change its ways and become an accepted member of the online community?

So many questions, so little time  :)

Ganz einfache Lösung, mein Deern - man hädde einfach herzhaft lachen können - wenigstens über Alexa. Er IST einfach dermaßen erheiternd, dass mindestens er schon deshalb einen Ehrenplatz in dieser Clique verdient (hat - sich).


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #146 am: 22 Juni 2012, 00:18:16 »

... So many questions, so little time  :)

Yes, we can continue the next time   ;)  :)

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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #147 am: 22 Juni 2012, 08:03:13 »

Leute wie dich Kalli hat ne Freundin von mir als Patienten !
Ich schliesse mich Messie an, ich mach nen Punkt. und noch einen . .... .
Bals reagiert hier keiner mehr auf deinen wirren Kram.
Dann kannst du dir selbst Nachrichten schicken in denen es um Rosinen und Setzkästen geht. Setzkasten ? Ts.

Und Messie: Nicht das du wieder weich wirst, ne!
The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back
and all turns to silver glas
and then you see it
white shores... and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #148 am: 22 Juni 2012, 08:29:34 »

the most of visitors are prefering to read for example how long ledy DB was sleeping today!

DunkelBunt is a friend, I know her personally. So it IS of interest for me, how she feels or if she had good sleep. I am definitely NOT interestend in childish insults. Also I an NOT interested when users make other users look ridiculous.

I am not interested in posting seroius comments in one of these threads. I don't like the atmosphere her at the moment. But there are friends of mine among the users here. So I will not delete my account. But at the moment, there is more nice an serious conversation on Facebook than here.


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Re: Problem!
« Antwort #149 am: 22 Juni 2012, 09:14:50 »

It's really strangely,  but the most of visitors are prefering to read for example how long ledy DB was sleeping today!

I positively DO prefer ledy DB's (who I know and like) comments to any bizarre, offensive sockpuppet conversation by some hopelessly pathetic person who obviously is in dire need for help.
"Maybe this world is another planet's hell." (Aldous Huxley)