ja, welche denn ?
INT. CLUB. NIGHT----------------A mass of dancing bodies fills the floor. The music is very loud.At the side of the dance floor sit Tommy and Spud. The look rather gloomy. There is an empty seat beside each of them. Spud is drinking heavily.Tommy turns and speaks to Spud. His lips move but nothing is audible. Spud is not ever aware that Tommy has spoken.Tommy bellows in Spud's ear.Tommy's words and all subsequent conversation in the dance area of the club appear as subtitles, the character's communications somewhere between speech and mime.TOMMY How's it going with Gail?SPUD No joy yet.TOMMY How long is it?SPUD Six weeks.TOMMY Six weeks!SPUD It's a nightmare. She told me she didn't want our relationship to start on a physical basis as that is how it would be principally defined from then on in.TOMMY Where did she come up with that?SPUD She read it in Cosmopolitan.TOMMY Six weeks and no sex?SPUD I've got balls like watermelons, I'm telling you.INT. NIGHTCLUB, WOMEN'S TOILET. NIGHT-------------------------------------Gail and Lizzy are smoking and talking.GAIL I read it in Cosmopolitan.LIZZY It's an interesting theory.GAIL Actually it's a nightmare. I've been desperate for a shag, but watching him suffer was just too much fun. You should try it with Tommy.LIZZY What, and deny myself the only pleasure I get from him? Did I tell you about my birthday?GAIL What happened?LIZZY He forgot. Useless motherfucker.INT. NIGHTCLUB. DANCE AREA. NIGHT---------------------------------Tommy and Spud seated as before. Their words are subtitled.As they are speaking Gail and Lizzy return and sit down.TOMMY Useless motherfucker, that's what she called me. I told her, I'm sorry, but theses things happen. Let's put it behind us.SPUD That's fair enough.TOMMY Yes, but then she finds out I've bought a ticket for Iggy Pop the same night.SPUD Went ballistic?TOMMY Big time. Absolutely fucking radge. 'It's me or Iggy Pop, time to decide.'SPUD So what's it going to be?TOMMY Well, I've paid for the ticket.GAIL AND LIZZY What are you two talking about?TOMMY AND SPUID Football. What were you talking about?GAIL and LIZZY Shopping
Also wenn schon untere Schublade, dann aber bitte auch richtig.^^ Wenn ich mal gaaaanz viel Zeit über habe, werde ich mich übrigens auch noch mit den folgenden Themen beschäftigen: Ob Neger wirklich die dickeren Schwänze haben, ob man als truer Grufti Jeans tragen und bunte Kissen haben darf, ob es auf dem Land oder in der Stadt die blöderen "Vollspacken" gibt, ob man an Astrologie/Gott/Spaghettimonster glauben darf, ohne an den Weihnachtsmann/Osterhasen/Klapperstorch glauben zu müssen, ob Blonde wirklich dümmer sind als Brünette, ob Frauen oder Männer die besseren Autofahrer sind, ob alle Pfaffen Kinder belästigen, ob Schwule die besseren Friseure/Designer/Einrichter sind, ob Hartz-IV-Empfänger oder Bankster die fieseren Sozialschmarotzer sind und ob gekaufte oder selbst gekochte Nudeln besser schmecken...
Moment mal, ist das jetzt der "for girls only, aber Männer dürfen hier auch mitreden"-Thread und der andere der "echte" for-girls-only, oder wie oder was?
Zitat von: messie am 14 August 2011, 12:33:09Moment mal, ist das jetzt der "for girls only, aber Männer dürfen hier auch mitreden"-Thread und der andere der "echte" for-girls-only, oder wie oder was? You've got it.
Zitat von: Multivac am 14 August 2011, 12:28:11ja, welche denn ?Diese:ZitatINT. CLUB. NIGHT----------------A mass of dancing bodies fills the floor. The music is very loud.At the side of the dance floor sit Tommy and Spud. The look rather gloomy. There is an empty seat beside each of them. Spud is drinking heavily.Tommy turns and speaks to Spud. His lips move but nothing is audible. Spud is not ever aware that Tommy has spoken.Tommy bellows in Spud's ear.Tommy's words and all subsequent conversation in the dance area of the club appear as subtitles, the character's communications somewhere between speech and mime.TOMMY How's it going with Gail?SPUD No joy yet.TOMMY How long is it?SPUD Six weeks.TOMMY Six weeks!SPUD It's a nightmare. She told me she didn't want our relationship to start on a physical basis as that is how it would be principally defined from then on in.TOMMY Where did she come up with that?SPUD She read it in Cosmopolitan.TOMMY Six weeks and no sex?SPUD I've got balls like watermelons, I'm telling you.INT. NIGHTCLUB, WOMEN'S TOILET. NIGHT-------------------------------------Gail and Lizzy are smoking and talking.GAIL I read it in Cosmopolitan.LIZZY It's an interesting theory.GAIL Actually it's a nightmare. I've been desperate for a shag, but watching him suffer was just too much fun. You should try it with Tommy.LIZZY What, and deny myself the only pleasure I get from him? Did I tell you about my birthday?GAIL What happened?LIZZY He forgot. Useless motherfucker.INT. NIGHTCLUB. DANCE AREA. NIGHT---------------------------------Tommy and Spud seated as before. Their words are subtitled.As they are speaking Gail and Lizzy return and sit down.TOMMY Useless motherfucker, that's what she called me. I told her, I'm sorry, but theses things happen. Let's put it behind us.SPUD That's fair enough.TOMMY Yes, but then she finds out I've bought a ticket for Iggy Pop the same night.SPUD Went ballistic?TOMMY Big time. Absolutely fucking radge. 'It's me or Iggy Pop, time to decide.'SPUD So what's it going to be?TOMMY Well, I've paid for the ticket.GAIL AND LIZZY What are you two talking about?TOMMY AND SPUID Football. What were you talking about?GAIL and LIZZY Shopping
beim spazierengehen mit ner freundin heute kamen wir zu der diskussion, ob denn nun akademiker oder bauarbeiter/handwerker die besseren freunde/partner/liebhaber sind. die frage stell ich jetzt mal so für die werten weiblichen mitglieder dieses forums in den raum.