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Autor Thema: [biete] Fantasy und SciFi Bücher auf Englisch  (Gelesen 858 mal)


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[biete] Fantasy und SciFi Bücher auf Englisch
« am: 16 Februar 2009, 23:09:26 »

Es sind 3 Bücher von Ursula Le Guin, alle ungelesen und mit ganz leichten haben-im-Regal-gestanden Schäden.

"The Lathe of Heaven" als Taschenbuchausgabe 4€
Klappentext: George Orr is in most respects a mild and unremarkable man, but he has an ability with which he cvan transform the world around him, for George's dreams alter reality. His psychiatrist, William Haber, at first sceptical, cannot resist using George's powers once he sees their effects - initially just to advance hi sown career, but then, gaining confidence, to try to change their overcrowded world into a more attractive place.

"A Wizard of Earthsea" als Taschenbuch für 4€
Klappentext: The young wizard Sparrowhawk, tempted by pride to try spells beyond his powers, let sloose an evil shadow-beast in his land. Only he can destroy it, and this quest leds him to the farthest corner of Earthsea.
Der erste Band der Earthsea-Serie.

"The Tombs of Atuan" als gebundene Ausgabe für 5€
Klappentext: The Nameless Ones have called young Tenar to serve as their High Priestess since she was five years old. The gave her the name Arha, the Eaten One, and with that name, her life changed forever. In the desolate Place of the Tombs in the deserts of the land of Atuan, her life's sacred duty is to guard the lightless labyrinthine Tombs of Atuan and the great treasure that lies deep within their caves.
But a thief appears. A young wizard named Ged braves the darkness of the catacombs in search of the Tombs' greatest hidden treasure, the broken Ring of Erreth-Akbe. Ged has the power to make the ring whole again. But Ged also brings with him the light of magic. And now Arha must choose between the darkness and power she knows and the furtiure Ged offers her.

Der zweite Band der Earthsea-Serie.


Die Bücher können entweder bei mir zu Hause oder irgendwo in Uninähe abgeholt werden.
« Letzte Änderung: 16 Februar 2009, 23:14:52 von Philomel »
I am offended by reality all the time.