Schwarzes Hamburg > Politik & Gesellschaft -Archiv-
US Elections 2004-BUSH WINS !
In Washington D.C. nearly 90% voted for Kerry.
That's why Bush preferes to be in Texas :roll:
Wie ich gerade auf spiegel-online lesen konnte, ist zumindest dieser Wiederling Ashcroft zurückgetreten.Wenigstens ein kleiner Lichtblick.
My wife and I were considering moving to Holland (where she's from), mostly because of how the christians are trying to hijack the country - and doing a decent job of it, at least in the short run. But two things are probably going to make us stay. The first thing is Holland seems on the edge of its own war with Islam, except the enemy already lives there. Seriously, talking to Dutch people makes me appreciate how great our Mexican immigrants are. They learn the language, work for a living, don't treat their women like shit.... The Turks and Morrocans are like vampires ... once the Dutch invited them in they can't get rid of them.
The other reason we will probably stay is that this Bush bullshit is just a short-term victory. I'm 28 years old and already I can talk to people in high school and hear about girls kissing in the open and other things that the religious right is very much against. Wait 10 years and these kids who take these things for granted will be voting. Things go from conservative to liberal, almost never the other way. Just last year our Supreme Court said that anti-sodomy laws were illegal (basically they said if two people want to have anal sex it's none of the govt's damn business).
This christian uprising is the democratic equivalent of pushing the tide back with a broom, and the reason is that human sexuality is inate and relentless. Religious people lose ground the minute they stop yelling at people about eternal torment or rallying behind some dumbass like Bush, and they almost never get it back. That they are rallying at all is a sign that they feel threatened, as well they should. Their belief system is in its death throes. This is the last great march of a doomed army.
Der Uhu:
But kissing in the public is what the Hippies have already done. Kissing in Public is nothing unusual since decades. And the hippies from the seventies gave their vote too, right?
I can't see that this elections had much to do with god. TRUE christians would not vote a lier, a war president and manipulator such as Bush is. Christianity is much misused here. What a medieval understanding of god: abortion= No, war= Yes, interracial dating= No, death sentence= Yes... If Jesus would hear that!!!
To the immigrants: I live in a student home together with heaps of arabians and turks and it is not my first flat together with muslims. I can say that I would swap our muslims for your Latinos at any time!!!
Der Uhu
P.S.: About sodomy: What does it have to do with anal sex? One may correct me but I always thought that "sodomy" is having sex with animals....
minneapolis \o/
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