Schwarzes Hamburg
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Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
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Thema: Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California (Gelesen 5898 mal)
Beiträge: 21
Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
17 September 2004, 05:36:48 »
Greetings from Los Angeles! I'm new to this board and my German is very limited. I hope you don't mind me posting in English. Your forum rocks! It seems to be far superior, both visually and in terms of content, than the numerous American Goth/Industrial forums I see on the net.
Beiträge: 17
Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #1 am:
17 September 2004, 09:27:16 »
Then you haven't been to :wink:
> 1000 Posts
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Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #2 am:
17 September 2004, 11:04:22 »
Welcome on this board, and thanks for the fish =)
I hope you'll enjoy your time, maybe you will find someone who could translate on ore another topic from the other forums to you
I think there are some topics which could be very interesting...
Have fun!
Die Rechtschreibung einiger Menschen ist echt der Wahnsinn - sie scheint gar eben jenem entsprungen zu sein.
> 2500 Posts
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huch, ich auch hier?
Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #3 am:
17 September 2004, 11:17:54 »
Heya, a warm welcome from me too.
May I ask you, how you found this place here?
Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning!
Leider kann man Gehirn nicht bei Ebay kaufen...
> 1000 Posts
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Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #4 am:
17 September 2004, 12:14:17 »
Now that's a surprise -
Welcome on board. It's nice to see some people posting from the other side of the world.
Eure Dummeheit kotzt mich an!
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> 1000 Posts
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Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #5 am:
17 September 2004, 12:16:06 »
The other side? Thought there's nothing beyond the horizon =)
Die Rechtschreibung einiger Menschen ist echt der Wahnsinn - sie scheint gar eben jenem entsprungen zu sein.
> 2500 Posts
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Just do it!
Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #6 am:
17 September 2004, 12:16:46 »
Welcome here and enjoy your time on the board. If you have any problems with understanding topics/texts you're interested in, don't hesitate to ask.
Have fun!
Das Leben sollte keine Reise mit dem Ziel sein, attraktiv und mit einem guterhaltenen Körper unter die Erde zu kommen. Wir sollten lieber seitlich hineinrutschen, Schokolade in einer Hand, Absinth in der anderen, unser Körper total verbraucht und dabei schreiend "Wow, was für eine Fahrt!"
Der Bullshit ist's, dem ich aus dem Wege gehe.
Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #7 am:
17 September 2004, 13:03:38 »
Welcome Schneeball!
> 1000 Posts
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Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #8 am:
17 September 2004, 17:16:59 »
Welcome and enjoy your time here!
"The good Lord gave us two eyebrows for a reason… to separate us from the apes."
- Emmett
> 1000 Posts
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Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #9 am:
17 September 2004, 18:54:20 »
so, schneeball..
Tell us, how's the scene in LA? Any good clubs and partys over there? Is there a living subculture?
I haven't met any goths (or whatever you call them) from the states so far, but my impression from visiting scene related websites and chatting is that the us-scene is dominated by marilyn manson fans (I hope that this is a false impression.. nothing against MM, but I like variety).
Eure Dummeheit kotzt mich an!
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Beiträge: 6
Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #10 am:
18 September 2004, 00:20:41 »
Me and Schneeball heard about this board from a Der Uhu posting on
. It sounds interesting to meet like-minded people from across the planet. Too bad I don't know any German. I can't even curse, which is of course the first thing anyone learns. <shrug> I grew up 1 hour from Mexico so I learned Spanish instead.
And no, I wouldn't say that the goth scene here (LA) is dominated by Manson or his fans. He gets the most press because of the stunts he pulls, but if you spend 4 hours at a club you'll likely only hear 2 songs from him. The younger crowd is enamored with him, maybe to piss off their parents, I don't know.
We (my wife Liza and I) were actually discussing moving to Germany in about 2 years when she finishes school, especially if Bush wins again. She's Dutch, and we were thinking of moving to Amsterdam after she graduates, but we're afraid that Amsterdam could turn into Rotterdam with large groups of angry young men roaming around looking for trouble.
Der Uhu
> 1000 Posts
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Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #11 am:
18 September 2004, 00:55:59 »
Hi Schneeball! Great to see you here! Welcome!
@Mr_Bateman: Well, too bad that you do not understand the language, but if want to move to Germany some day you should really learn some turkish. That would help in most of Germany! And for the rest german would be useful. :mrgreen:
Well, that you can not read our Threads is a problem. But perhaps you could start your own Threads in english and we will answer in english.
One idea: You could start a Thread about Hamburg to give us the chance to convice you to come here in two years. You know, the people in this town regard it as the most beautiful town on earth. They even have TV-Spots saying that. Even though this is a product of extreme self-overestimation a little bit of truth lies in it.
Der Uhu
Der Uhu
> 1000 Posts
Beiträge: 1020
Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #12 am:
18 September 2004, 01:00:47 »
Peoples Republic of California? Did Schwarzenegger turn into a communist? hihihi.... :shock:
Beiträge: 21
Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #13 am:
19 September 2004, 02:18:08 »
Thanks everyone, I'm happy to be here.
Hey Bateman! Glad to see that you were finally able to login. I bet the problem you were having had something to do with trying to log in before going to check your e-mail account and opeining up the link that was sent which allows you to activate your account. Am I right? I made the same mistake myself the first time I tried logging in.
redghost. No I haven't been to but I will definitely check it out.
Sober. As Bateman said earlier, Der Uhu posted a thread on, inviting members of that site to join Schwarzes Hamburg. So far, me and Bateman are the only ones who took him up on his invitation.
SuperTorus. LA actually has a really thriving club scene. From watching TV you may get the impression that Southern California's club scene is limited to posh hollywood nightclubs and meat market discos. Well we actually got some of those, but we also have a hell of alot of goth and industrial clubs. Some of the clubs are small and others are pretty large, but there is definitely a place to go at least 5, if not 7 days out of the week. Halloween is a big deal here in the states, so there will definitely be one or two mega-type events happining here in LA in late October. Capacity at some of the Halloween events sometimes exceeds 5 or 6 thousand people. As far as Marilyn Manson goes, most goths and rivetheads hate him, a few adore him, and still others, like me, don't care one way or the other. From what I've heard though, his shows seem to be pretty interesting; though, I must admit that I don't really care too much for his music. I personally feel that there are much better bands that don't get the recognition they deserve because the media is too obsessed with focusing on his crazy stage antics and over the top public persona.
I wouldn't know how to compare the LA scene to Germany, but I will say that LA's scene is probably the largest and maybe even the best in North America. Even in New York City, the goth and industrial scene is limited to just two or three clubs, and most of those are small and constantly on the verge of closing. LA is like a great big Disneyland amusement park (I know Bateman understands what its like living close to Disneyland since he's from OC).
Der Uhu. Mr. Terminator is anything but a commie. I actually have a t-shirt that saids, "Welcome Comrade, to the People's Republic of California" (with hammer and sickle imprinted on the back), that I got at a gun-show in Pamona several years ago.
Der Uhu
> 1000 Posts
Beiträge: 1020
Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California
Antwort #14 am:
19 September 2004, 05:02:30 »
Schneeball: But a cute idea, isn't it? The governator as a commi? :shock:
By the way: is a goth-website from Minnesota.
I saw, that you have also the nick "Schneeball" at lagoth. Is there a story behind that name?
What you said about the goth scene in New York surprises me a bit. Isn't normally New York a place of a large variety of music styles and nightlife. Why is the gothic scene of all the scenes there so small? I found it very difficult to find a gothic forum in NY. There are some web sites and also one or two forums, but they are virtually dead. That means that only a small number of users is registered there, and they hardly write any posts.
The lagoth forum seems to be considerably different. You have over 1400 users, who are obviously very dilligent writers. Our forum here has only a bit more than 200 users, but it works very well and many users are pretty active here. It is actually running for quite a long time, but a few weeks ago, it was restarted and reorganized. We have for example no moderators any more which we had before.
But one thing is really missing at Avatars
At last I would like to draw your attention to
this thread.
Und Tschüß!
Der Uhu
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Schwarzes Hamburg
Schwarzes Hamburg
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Greetings Comrades! From The People's Republic of California