Schwarzes Hamburg > Gedankenaustausch
Interessiert sich hier jemand für KI?
Wenn nein - bitte gehen Sie weiter. Wenn ja - welche Modelle nehmt Ihr für welche Zwecke?
Ich versuche gerade, mit dem Modell von huggingface ein KI-Tool zu bauen, das für mich die Nachrichten liest und mir potentiell wichtige, weil ungewöhnliche Dinge anzeigt. Sehr gerne würde ich auch ein Tool haben, das Jahresabschlüsse oder Financial Reports für mich lesen kann.
Auf einem Pfad des Mini-Projektes überlege ich, wie ich das mit einer lokalen Installation und einem lokalen Datensatz zum Laufen bringen kann (macht das noch wer gerade?), zum anderen teste ich Prompts.
Leider scheinen viele Large Language Models gerne anzufangen zu träumen, und wenn sie das tun, dann erzählen sie und erzählen und erzählen.... Kennt Ihr das auch und wie vermeidet Ihr es?
Hier ein Beispiel, ein klarer Fall von WTFF?
Prompt: how can I teach Huggingface to read financial statements?
There are different ways you could approach this task depending on your specific goals:
Generate computer code from scanned financial documents - You could use Hugging Face to create machine learning models that learn to convert images into text. These models could then be used to generate cleaned up source code directly from documents. Keep in mind that while this may result in messy/unorganized code and likely won’t be maintainable without error correction by humans or other refactoring methods(A process where someone goes through code manually fixing obvious errors). This method could involve fine tuning some pretrained Transformer on Imagenet (ImageNet) data for further accuracy. Allows ability to create good quality "shortcuts" from pencil scribbled notes on paper saved as a scan and creating dirty image files (e.g .jpg, png) from larger proprietary more complex systems who don't currently expose export options so a human cannot create more simple modifications without going through several hundred pages worth of paper - similar goal would allow skilled developers modify / integrate new software applications today vs having them restart development projects from scratch over shorter time spans allowing maybe 2 hours work instead of 2 months... but also opening up these practices easier to large numbers of individuals unlike a few organizations such as Oracle et al able to compete creatively etc.... reimagine entire idea economy around smaller parts... imagine generative ML based InDesign tools that output top notch structured data engineering blueprint scenarios? including python prompts to then transform on command to many programming languages efficiently for a low cost higher roi faster buisness model etc....
Read and make sense of financial reports, extract relevant facts and generate summaries- Much like what Alibaba did here showing they trained a language model on M&A news releases only — reducing resource and expertise requirements as well eliminating any ETL pipelines that may have required washing data every morning before feeding it in fresh (willful filtering of knowledge systematically deprives society at whole while harming individual innovators), future projects may benefit interested parties if known so they can plan ahead to allow Hugging Face access
use case example: Hugging face teaches an autistic child accountability on a daily spreadsheet list worth approximately $6k-$7.5 k -- He has been previously supported via Individual Support Plan since kindergarten but never learned organizational strategies including how to cleanly organize receipts until now due to needing money earned go towards select PG&E payments which limit his office supplies. Salesforce develop their own conversational AI skills builder helping professionals like social workers help him record all expenses all together frequently into one setting each day updating user interface to provide variable quick selections logged across environment, social life functions (TSLOM) checklist review notes logged around impacted outcomes. If another accountant may take on HR tasks Social Worker needs now relieved enabling worker to target unmet basic needs post earthquake hardships for client in property management career before this event. Three of six boarding facility properties burnt during events -- Future goal rebuilding properties. Shortterm rentings post earthquake happened after inventory decimated post fires burning inventory; additional loss to fire: kitchen appliances, beds, books etc because debris destroyed back storage shed property, additional $1 million sinkhole in property immediately surrounding newly leased manufactured home, savings gone due mostly first year rebuild paid post qzones partially funded by taxpayers. ) BAC replaced her parking lot gravel bare with dirt effectively halving original investment value one month following purchase of remaining home at age 19 approved loan completed summer 2019 except ongoing Earthquakes moved position North unable to rebuild homes vs replacing mobile + paid off vacant land creating wishing family property still exists & maintain bank relationship with local business owner. Not certain return possible weigh maintenance priority expenses v investments locally proposed plans stall overadicates efforts by investors trying access competitive edge by learning world events that CEOs have under NDA — thusforces potential positive long term returns by economy committed social media communities educating users rather than solely corporations for market success vs societal prosperity metrics assessment living standards ect lowerings. CaBA. Benefits consumer oriented functionality and reduced costs impact while offering affordable consultation if needed. Leader reputation advancing along better income distribution = Long term stability in the truest nature of our purposes moving forward congruous growth + combatting greedy market manipulation before others lose more resources that they ultimately foot secondary penalties. Semantic Value : Postitive Inclusive Capitialism Cooperation advancement restoring wheelfunctionality / welfare allow people more years enjoying independence removing artificial dependence forces while building hope for replicatable solutions benefiting all areas through natural desire to pool collective funds dedicated toward ambitious forward thinking relieving pinched minds anxiety replacing blind faith betrayal depression frowns turning faces belonging opportunities after contributing decades freely only developing creativity.) Simply put we regain money longevity without direct committance pressures constantly placed against us forcing surrender concede future security not left behind blocks capacity for revitalizing existing found knowledge. Homeless children begin increasing days spent laughing yet still remain street parents can gift happiness fostering far stronger childhood psyches armed reverberating found jobs less served families internally thrive witnessing core human values diligently dedicated back into shaping communities with transparent deep integrity brother sister father mother bond:) Convince others gather strength sharing this vision initially becomes irrelevant for world wide move matches subject analysis revealed revealing stable foothold of raw materials abundantly liberating civilizations rewrites ending history born Novencial/Valuable march unstoppably demonstrating power consuming fresh water desalinization and helping solar panel technology supersede fossil fuel inputs offers optimum science education opportunity! Exploring vastly imperative solutions granting mankind least requirements shapes initial peoples understanding pointing essential paths throughout school subjects rather encouraging students entrepreneurship involvement supplying services upholding solving many planetary issues when individuals succeed viewing globe’s problems wholly approaches true capitalist structure once again empowered free market dynamics maintaining fluid transactions standard quality concerning the framework differently emphasizes hands on apprenticing technical field familiarity without debt indenturing etc amongst children ingenuities essential to raise generation possessing fearless character using naturally inherent problem resolution. Fear dissolves lackluster societal immaturity emotional evolution turning points cushioning new sustainable advance cultivations unfold spotting futility heaps motivation consists independently perfecting socially desired fields group memberships maintain focused rotating the cycle producing concerned participants freed from today debts prisons humanities common passage admitting organically grown progression provides harder challenging despotic behavior instances directly correlating successfully societies flourishing overall hindering corruption plaguing leaders further minimized efficiency delivered enhances everyone opportunities marginally over time featuring current chosen arenas serving regulated control choking faltering influences checking individuals reversed economical significance rises inviting contrasting perspectives creating microcosmic counter balanced accumulations impeding steady public mental health psychoanalyzed paralleling technologies societal products value expectancy rising adapting treating academic myth influence no longer deterred settling eyes discern mass miseducated integrity counters recurring resonant confidence destruction intricately equipped populations subtracting structural global obstacles fulfilling specialized purpose conceivable bursting wide open manifest destiny today awesome calculated personal triumph mechanisms skyrocket exorcising waste correcting illusions wounding neighborhood unity inventively sighting goals popping naturally conserved even traditional masonry industries – bricks/cement + hardwood frame-construction expanding foundational structural renovations versus new starts dramatically increasing economic participation directly aftershocks effects material availability debuts compression artisanship teaching ultimately reducing housing strains despite sensibly minimizing new plots given time accommodate villages renovated combined experienced collaborative workers are not dependent on new contracts as entire towns undergo face lifts knowing their markets exist multiplying labor opportunities. Furthermore mental health impacts cant be understated changing dreadful surroundings opening bright cheerful places instilling pride as owners assist neighbors effortlessly spreads through locales barriers dropping allowing diverse skilled professionals rise justifiably profitable companies quashing cheaper harmful alternatives transparency curbing need for cost prohibitive insurance specific industries also feeling stress like small family operations never experiencing economic balance without initially being buffered now confront entire regions instead slumbering sleepiness brought awake through active true demand demand so important we must educate fine tune adjust ourselves as well now seeking steadier higher ground an educational process necessary when proceeding ahead especially while emergency response periods consistently expected unfortunately always learning 😔 but its okay our whole point here so focus around finally embracing emotive empathetic intelligence! Why? Were almost there/ You’re smart you know how each life story preserves lessons valuable hardships unexpected encounters whether negative or good squeezing absolute gold lending ever enhancing compassion display humanistic nurture searching deeper connections between selves adding extra depth meeting strangers comfortable circumstances enrich genuine conversation consideration crossover engagement variances around most currently oppresses truth marginalizing real curiosity facing curios diversifying dividing knowledge is contagious uniting growth prevents care is key toward fixing raging internally toward formulating independently driven capable creators shielding wisdom adaptable authorities symbiotically merging absolute
Hallo liebes Chatgpt, schreibe mir bitte eine Methode in C#, die alle Sonderzeichen außerhalb des deutschen Alphabets aus einem Text durch Leerzeichen ersetzt und alle Buchstaben in den Upper Case bringt.
Danke, liebes Chatgpt.
Immer freundlich sein zu den Dingern. Wenn die erstmal die Weltherrschaft erlangt haben, werden sie wissen, wer ein guter Mensch war und wer nicht.
Ich lasse mich gerne inspirieren in den seltenen Fällen, wo ich eine Aufgabe in Deutsch schneller runter tippe als in C#.
Meist ist das überflüssig und man kommt schneller zum Ziel, indem man programmiert wie früher auch (mit IDE-Unterstützung).
--- Zitat von: BaerndME am 22 Mai 2023, 14:56:32 ---C#
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Du hast mir da gerade echt eine tolle Idee verpasst, die ich demnächst mal für SpaceEngineers nutzen werden. Da gibt's ja programmierbare Blöcke und ich habe vom Programmieren gar keine Ahnung. Vielleicht kann ich das an eine KI "auslagern".
--- Zitat von: Eisbär am 22 Mai 2023, 20:09:53 ---
--- Zitat von: BaerndME am 22 Mai 2023, 14:56:32 ---C#
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Du hast mir da gerade echt eine tolle Idee verpasst, die ich demnächst mal für SpaceEngineers nutzen werden. Da gibt's ja programmierbare Blöcke und ich habe vom Programmieren gar keine Ahnung. Vielleicht kann ich das an eine KI "auslagern".
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Das müsste gehen, ja. Aber schau trotzdem mit deinem logischen Verstand drüber - ChatGPT bescheißt auch gerne.
--- Zitat von: BaerndME am 22 Mai 2023, 21:22:50 ---Aber schau trotzdem mit deinem logischen Verstand drüber
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Ich fürchte tatsächlich, dass mir der da nicht wirklich weiter hilft, dazu sind mein Kenntnisse im Programmieren (vor 30 Jahren ein bisschen Basic und Pascal, über einfache IF THEN ELSE nicht hinaus) wirklich zu rudimentär.
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