Schwarzes Hamburg > Vorstellboard / Wer seid Ihr?
New here!
Welcome aboard. :)
We already have a couple of English-speaking users - err, well, that was an exaggeration, but I think EL mainly writes in English.
@ Multi: wtf? ???
edit: I hope it makes sense now.
Mal so btw ... mit jemanden der die deutsche Sprache lernen will,
auf Englisch zu schreiben ist ziemlich ... kontraproduktiv ::)
--- Zitat von: Multivac am 10 März 2015, 22:10:33 ---a couple ? :o :o :o I think I did'nt marry EL until now !
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Congratulations then! :D :D ;D
--- Zitat von: Multivac am 10 März 2015, 22:33:32 ---
--- Zitat von: RaoulDuke am 10 März 2015, 22:30:15 ---
--- Zitat von: Multivac am 10 März 2015, 22:10:33 ---a couple ? :o :o :o I think I did'nt marry EL until now !
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Congratulations then! :D :D ;D
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you again ?! >:( You can go where the pepper grows !!!
--- Ende Zitat ---
That might be vaguely funny, but I am still not sure. ;)
Pepper plants are common in India and Malaysia, I learned while becoming an expert by reading Wikipedia. But I am still distracted by the thought of EL and you standing in front of an altar. Not the worst choice, I have to admit.
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