Schwarzes Hamburg > Vorstellboard / Wer seid Ihr?
Neue in hier
--- Zitat von: volkhavaar am 25 Mai 2014, 20:55:58 ---Viel danke to all, you're all so nice :D
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>.< the n-word, she used the n-word!
/o\ *running in circles, screaming*
keep calm, she meant "noise" :D
Welcome to the asylum, as you can see it has been run by the inmates for quite some time. Take a seat, have a cookie... :D
Black Ronin:
??? Como va la nina aprender aleman si todos hablan ingles?
Jetzt bräuchte ich nur ne spanische Tastur >:(
--- Zitat von: Black Ronin am 26 Mai 2014, 15:12:22 --- ??? Como va la nina aprender aleman si todos hablan ingles?
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Da muss ich dir sogar zustimmen!
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