Schwarzes Hamburg > Musik und Bands
Was mögt Ihr für explizit nicht-schwarze Musik?
Das ist keine Musik! :o Das sind Störgeräusche! ;)
--- Zitat von: Julya am 03 November 2012, 00:15:39 ---Das ist keine Musik! :o Das sind Störgeräusche! ;)
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I agree with you. :) but the rhythm (by the way) is there.
It's as something, that children make with sound program when they get it from parents at birthday.
It can't be even used for computer plays! ;) Or? :o Then I will never understand it. :-X
EL, hihihihi. \o/
--- Zitat von: EL am 03 November 2012, 01:09:37 ---but the rhythm [...] is there.
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\o/ ... and a lot of it at once!
--- Zitat von: EL am 03 November 2012, 01:09:37 ---It's as something, that children make with sound program when they get it from parents at birthday.
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I played the music to my son and asked him to do something like it on his music computer. He gave me a long look, and then burst into laughter. I like his humor!
... and obviously some quite weird music. :)
Provoker! :D
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