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Autor Thema: W:O:A / 02.08.- 04.08.2012 / Wacken Open Air 2012  (Gelesen 8717 mal)


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Re: W:O:A / 02.08.- 04.08.2012 / Wacken Open Air 2012
« Antwort #15 am: 09 August 2012, 00:12:39 »

Brutal Assault 2012 at the same time in Czech, I'm curious...   but anyway, I'm working...  :(,  ... next time!  ;)


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Re: W:O:A / 02.08.- 04.08.2012 / Wacken Open Air 2012
« Antwort #16 am: 09 August 2012, 21:09:15 »

Possibly EL already is on TV (ZDF Kultur) at this moment:
Ich habe das eben erst entdeckt... um 21:15 Uhr ist es schon vorbei :-(
Hoffentlich gibt es die Sendung danach auch in der Mediathek.

Und ich bin auf dem Mera...kann mir das jemand aufnehmen?!

Du kannst es Dir auch nach der Rückkehr vom Mera Luna in der ZDF-Mediathek bzw. auf dieser Seite ansehen:
Die Konzerte vom W:O:A sind dort sieben Tage nach dem ursprünglichen Ausstrahlungstermin online.

Ich werde mir dann am nächsten Mittwoch den Auftritt von Ministry ansehen :-)


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Re: W:O:A / 02.08.- 04.08.2012 / Wacken Open Air 2012
« Antwort #17 am: 15 August 2012, 16:44:08 »

Ah ok, danke Matze  :)
"World is just Illusion, trying to change you...."


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Re: W:O:A / 02.08.- 04.08.2012 / Wacken Open Air 2012
« Antwort #19 am: 15 August 2012, 20:18:21 »

And where are you to be seen?

By the way...I understand that you, EL, are not completely unfamiliar with Heavy Metal (as music and as "culture"), but what about your fellow musicians?
I wonder what their faces were like when they were being told "right, next up we´re going to rehearse Heavy Metal songs in order to play W:O:A with a weirdly dressed band"? Were they just being professional about it, like "we get paid, we deliver"? Maybe while rolling their eyes?
Are you prepared for things like that when you go into classical music?


edit, on second thoughts, weird costume shouldn´t be the problem, I forgot all about the Opera... ::)
« Letzte Änderung: 15 August 2012, 20:21:21 von nightnurse »
misery. complaint. self-pity. injustice.


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Re: W:O:A / 02.08.- 04.08.2012 / Wacken Open Air 2012
« Antwort #20 am: 17 August 2012, 11:09:04 »

Sure, all musicians are professionals and it's no matter for them which material they have to play. But everyone of us have their own experiences and preferences in music. The most of them not have played "Heavy Metal", maybe nobody played it before, ...but I have to tell,  tatoos, black nails and black clothing are wearing here not on the concert only! What is it? Just fashion? belong to some of streams? I don't know.   :-\

Were they just being professional about it, like "we get paid, we deliver"? Maybe while rolling their eyes?
Are you prepared for things like that when you go into classical music?

Of course, if there is a demand, there will be a proposal!  Do you think the professional musicians are playing only for the sake of pleasant? Do you think Dimmu Borgir and other were playing just for applause?  ;)  It's a business, it's the way of earning money. I would have gone crazy if I was supposed to play every concert the same thing! Only good compensation can to make my to do it!  :)
The same situation is for example in the theater, I was incredibly boring to play performances in the theater especially at the finish of theater season!  :'( I'm not envy to musicians of bands (no matter in which of them they are playing). It's a hard work! After several years, I think, they began to understand - their work is just a trivial metier! Only when begins to create a new music I can to tell "It's act of art! ".

Of course, when we compare work of musicians and other professions for example, we can to see it's clear and pleasant work, because of musician feels immediately contact with the public, their grateful reaction. And this feeling brings a satisfaction!  :D  But music is so ephemeral! Music finished to sound and what remain of it? Nothing. It's fantastic, that now we can to record it! At finish musicians began to have tangible result of work! But it's double-edged sword, this possibility takes away the necessity of musicians, takes away soleness and originality atmosphere of the concerts.
When somebody asks me, what I'm playing for an amusement? I answer - nothing!
For my enjoyment I listen to something absolutely differs from classical music  - heavy metal, dark music, folk, etc.
And to play the concert with Dimmu Borgir was absolutely relax and pleasure for me!
A quality of arrangement, harmony, nice voices, fantastic drummer - all was perfectly!   ;D  ;D  ;D

Correction : Oh, my Got, when I'll stop to do mistakes in english!   ;D
« Letzte Änderung: 17 August 2012, 13:19:21 von EL »


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Re: W:O:A / 02.08.- 04.08.2012 / Wacken Open Air 2012
« Antwort #21 am: 21 August 2012, 23:39:59 »

Thank you for an ausführliche Antwort, even though you heartlessly shattered some of my most cherished illusions by saying

  Do you think the professional musicians are playing only for the sake of pleasant? It's a business, it's the way of earning money.

 :o  :'(

 ;D  :)
misery. complaint. self-pity. injustice.


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Re: W:O:A / 02.08.- 04.08.2012 / Wacken Open Air 2012
« Antwort #22 am: 23 August 2012, 23:39:06 »

Thank you for an ausführliche Antwort, even though you heartlessly shattered some of my most cherished illusions by saying

  Do you think the professional musicians are playing only for the sake of pleasant? It's a business, it's the way of earning money.
:o  :'(
;D  :)

I hope, It won't stop you from enjoying the music!   ;) :D  Sometime will enjoy together!