Schwarzes Hamburg > Festivals & Konzerte - Anderswo -Archiv-
W:O:A / 02.08.- 04.08.2012 / Wacken Open Air 2012
--- Zitat von: Takara am 31 Juli 2012, 14:02:10 ---Yeah,we know...and we will be there ;)
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--- Zitat von: Ookami am 31 Juli 2012, 10:40:57 ---nice. ;D
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I'll not able to see you from stage, but It will pleasant to know you are there! ;) :D
--- Zitat von: EL am 31 Juli 2012, 22:45:53 ---
--- Zitat von: Ookami am 31 Juli 2012, 10:40:57 ---nice. ;D
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I'll not able to see you from stage, but It will pleasant to know you are there! ;) :D
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I'm not there. (W:O:A is not my kind of festival :) )
But I figure it a great show.
Have fun up there.
--- Zitat von: EL am 31 Juli 2012, 22:45:53 ---I'll not able to see you from stage, but It will pleasant to know you are there! ;) :D
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Wave your hands or do something funny on stage so we know that you are you ;D
--- Zitat von: Takara am 01 August 2012, 13:42:12 ---
--- Zitat von: EL am 31 Juli 2012, 22:45:53 ---I'll not able to see you from stage, but It will pleasant to know you are there! ;) :D
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Wave your hands or do something funny on stage so we know that you are you ;D
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Well, I will take my violin on the shoulder like a rifle or I'll take it above my head! ;) :D
Something else would seem wild enough (somersault, jumping, dancing....hehe) ;D
--- Zitat von: EL am 01 August 2012, 17:00:35 ---Well, I will take my violin on the shoulder like a rifle or I'll take it above my head! ;) :D
Something else would seem wild enough (somersault, jumping, dancing....hehe) ;D
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;D *thumbs up*
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