@ Wishmaster

Alien Sex Fiend - Now I´m Feeling Zombiefied
B-Movie - Nowhere Girl
The Capricorns - The New Sound
Cauda Pavonis - Sinners Lullaby / Love Like Broken Glass
The Chameleons - Second Skin
Cinema Strange - Greensward Grey
Clan of Xymox - Louise
The Cramps - Kizmiaz
The Creatures - Exterminating Angel
The Cure - Play For Today
Dead Can Dance - Rakim
Frank The Baptist - Signing Off
Girls Under Glass - Mothers Nightmare
Guerre Froide - Demain Berlin
Human League - Being Boiled
Indochine - Aventurier
Joy Division - Disorder
Kap Bambino - Batcaves
Love Like Blood - Doomsday
Morrissey - Irish Blood English Heart
Nichts - Tango 2000
OMD - Enola Gay
Phillip Boa - Life & Crime
Pink Turns Blue - Walking on Both Sides
Ramones - Pet Sematary
Red Zebra - I Can´t Live in a Livingroom
Silke Bischoff - Under Your Skin
Siouxie & The Banshees - Israel
Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia
The Smiths - Panic
Trisomie 21 - The Last Song (die restlichen 4:25 min

Invincible Spirit - Push
The Cult - Spiritwalker
Forthcoming Fire - Feuer
Red Lorry Yello Lorry - Walking on Hands
PIL - This Is Not A Lovesong
Vive La Feté - La Verite