* Front 242
* Pouppée Fabrikk
* Tyske Ludder
* Autodafeh
* Stockholm Wrecking Crew
* No Sleep by the Machine
Bodyfest is a one-day festival featuring some of the best bands Electronic Body Music can offer, both old favourites and new up-and-coming artists. We guarantee beer, sweat, steel cap boots and a hell of a show!
The event will take place on Saturday the 9th of October at Klubben. Below is a map of the area and directions on how to get there from metro station Gullmarsplan. The address is Mårtendalsvägen 2-8, 120 30 Stockholm
Tickets can be bought online through Tickster the price is 375 SEK + presale fee. Admission 18 years.
= circa 40 EUR
Ich da, wer noch?